Ermal Alibali



Event Photography

As a photographer, I’m always on the lookout for unique opportunities to capture beautiful and compelling images. That’s why when I heard about the Carnival of Viareggio, I knew I had to attend and document the experience through my lens.

The Carnival of Viareggio is a world-famous event held annually in the charming city of Viareggio, Italy. It’s considered one of the most significant carnival celebrations in both Italy and Europe, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.

When I arrived in Viareggio, I was immediately taken aback by the vibrancy and energy of the city. Everywhere I looked, I saw colorful decorations and people dressed in elaborate costumes, getting ready for the parade.

The parade itself was a feast for the eyes. The floats and masks made of papier-mâché were incredibly detailed and featured caricatures of popular figures from different fields, including politics, entertainment, and sports. As the parade went on, the crowds roared with laughter and excitement, adding to the already lively atmosphere.

As a photographer, capturing the beauty and energy of the carnival was no easy task. The parade took place along the promenade, which was crowded and challenging to navigate. Finding the perfect angle and composition for my photographs required careful planning and positioning.

But despite the challenges, photographing the Carnival of Viareggio was an incredibly rewarding experience. The carnival offered endless opportunities for stunning shots, from the colorful floats and masks to the lively crowds and beautiful cityscape.

In 2020, the carnival hosted its first-ever Night Edition, which added a new level of excitement and challenge for me as a photographer. Capturing the floats and masks under the dazzling lights and against the dark backdrop of the night sky required a different approach and technique, making it an even more exhilarating experience.

All in all, my journey as a photographer at the Carnival of Viareggio was one of the most memorable experiences of my career. I’m grateful for the opportunity to capture the carnival’s magic and beauty through my lens, and I can’t wait to attend again in the future.

More photos on my Behance.