Ermal Alibali



Naming & Brand Identity

Trickytools was born with the goal of introducing individuals working in various fields to digital software and cloud services that can enhance their professional and personal skills. Initially, the project was conceived as an online venture, which necessitated the creation of an eye-catching logo that could adapt to various digital platforms and representations.

The Trickytools logo, which features two “o’s” intertwined to create the infinity symbol, highlights the unlimited possibilities offered by the digital world to boost one’s abilities and activities. The attention to detail in the logo design was crucial to ensure it was responsive and visually appealing across different devices and platforms.

To bring the project to life, I was responsible for creating and designing various aspects, including the project name, logo, responsiveness of the logo for different devices and digital platforms, pattern, social media set-up, app icon, business card, T-shirt design, and advertising posters.

Through Trickytools, I aimed to empower individuals by providing them with the tools and resources to succeed in the digital age. Whether it’s learning a new software program, improving productivity with cloud-based services, or enhancing their digital presence through social media, Trickytools has something for everyone.

Check out my presentation on Behance to learn more about the project and its design elements.